How Much is that California Doggie?

The Rest of the Tale in Yolo County

Hotdogger Weiners of the WorldPrices have gone up over the years at The Hotdogger in downtown Davis, California, but it's still a deal for  these delicious dogs. For more than 40 years, The Hotdogger has walked numerous diners down the frankfurter path. Beef, sausage, hot link, veggie, and their new “wieners of the world”. This wiener-sized café provides limited counter-seating. The dogs, on the other hand, are not your tea-cup variety.

These California dogs may not be AKC line-up, but they are pure-bred delicious! Your classic all-beef Chicago Dog with German mustard, tomatoes, diced onion and relish will set you back $9. From across the border, the spicy Ortega Dog with green chilies and pepper jack cheese will light your fire for $10. The The Hotdogger Chili Cheese with OnionsGut Bomb ($11) combines Louisiana hot links, chili, salsa, and onion; where’s the Tums and Scope? Of course they also serve the PC Veggie Dog breed ($8). Well-groomed with mustard, ketchup, relish, onion and a sprouted wheat bun, it’s just like the real thing. Well, maybe.

Oh, and about the buns! An often overlooked, but integral part of the whole doggone dog experience. Hotdoggers’ buns are locally made at the Village Bakery, another closet-sized establishment. Davis may just be a breeding ground for this kind of thing.

The second owners, the Franks – no, I’m not kidding – have been Davis’ tube steak mavens since 1993. Weiners of the World was born when the family traveled to Thailand. "We tried a sausage and it was just terrible," said Ivan Franks. "I realized we could make something better with the same flavors." The Thai Chicken Sausage with Thai chile salsa was the first "weiner of the world".

Are You  That Woman

Originally published April 2017

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