Wildflowers Arrive at Jepson Prairie Preserve

Wondrous Wildflowers & Amazing Aquatic Critters at Jepson Prairie Coming Soon in 2024  
Olcott Lake at Jepson Prairie_Photo by Bud Turner, WildLight Photography

Wildflower season is coming, and Solano Land Trust’s Jepson Prairie docents are getting ready to share the first wave of vernal pool flowers. Weather permitting, there will be two-hour guided walks starting in the spring.

A vernal pool is a world of exceptional diversity and an ecological system of great complexity, and Jepson Prairie Preserve is one of the best remaining examples of vernal pools in all of California. Enjoy an easy, meandering walk under wide-open skies with knowledgeable docents while exploring the bunchgrass prairie and walking alongside the claypan vernal pools. The prairie is transformed by winter rains into fields of stunning wildflowers including white meadowfoam, yellow carpet, and miniature lupine. Docents will also introduce you to the rare aquatic animals, all on the Endangered Species list, that live in the ephemeral pools, including vernal pool fairy shrimp, Conservancy fairy shrimp, and the larvae of the California tiger salamander.

Jepson Prairie Olcott Lake January 16, 2022 Credit Mike NellorJepson Prairie Preserve, a designated National Natural Landmark, is located on Cook Lane, off Highway 113, about ten miles south of Dixon and eight miles north of Highway 12. Stay tuned for details about dates, times, location, price, and contact information. Participants should bring a backpack with plenty of water, and snacks or a picnic lunch. They should wear boots or sturdy closed-toe shoes, layered clothes, and protection from the elements. It is often windy at Jepson Prairie, and they should be prepared for wet trails and the chance of fog. Rain may cancel. Visitors should bring drinking water and may also want to bring a hand lens, binoculars and a camera. For directions and additional details, visit solanolandtrust.org.

Since its founding in 1986, Solano Land Trust has permanently protected more than 20,000 acres of working farms and natural areas in Solano County.  Learn more, see a full list of outdoor adventures, and become a member at www.SolanoLandTrust.org

What: Docent-led tours of the Jepson Prairie Preserve
Who: Solano Land Trust & Jepson Prairie Docents

When: Saturdays and Sundays from 10am to noon - dates and days to be determined. 
Where: Jepson Prairie Preserve, Intersection of Highway 113 and Cook Lane, 13 miles south of Dixon. Go straight at flashing light onto Cook Lane, gravel road.
Why: See the wondrous wildflowers and amazing aquatic invertebrates of Jepson Prairie.

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